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Dishing Up Romance Page 15

  "Thanks for noticing" His expression changed to a more serious one.

  "Listen, I wasn't planning to be here this morning," I said, "but my plans changed, so I thought I'd come over and give you that private time you wanted" He grinned in response. "Do you know if my parents are coming in today?"

  "They were already here and left."

  "Are they planning to come back, do you know?" I wanted to make sure we wouldn't be interrupted, at least until Allie came, but I hoped we'd be done with our conversation by then.

  "They left about a half hour ago ... something about booking their cruise. But to answer your question, no. They won't be back. And Allie won't be in either." He blew out a quick breath of air.

  Just the music I was hoping to hear. We had the day to ourselves. A wave of anxious energy surged through me. "That bad, huh?"


  "Okay, why don't I get some coffee, or maybe you want lunch? You've been working since the crack of dawn" I wanted to get the interruptions out of the way so we could talk freely.

  "I already ordered a pizza. It should be here shortly."

  The first stanza of "That's Amore" played out in my head. "Well, I need some coffee. Want some?"

  As though he'd read my mind, Josh began to sing the song. Even though it was off-key, it was cute that he felt comfortable enough to sing in front of me. But it didn't stop me from feeling awkward, wondering if he'd read my thoughts. But if he had, he would have pulled me into his arms, right?

  "Bells'll ring, Ting-a-ling-a-ling, Veeeta Bella." He elongated the e for effect as he crooned. Unexpected warmth flowed through me as I listened to him. "I'm sorry," he said and grinned like he was suddenly embarrassed. "That darn song just popped into my head. It sort of reminds me of the first time we met when you shouted out `That's amore.' Do you remember?"

  "I do, but that was about food, not romance," I lied.

  "That day, Cass," he said in a serious voice, "I was hoping it was all about romance. That's what I wanted it to be. When I saw you standing there, all beautiful and bright-eyed, I knew I had to meet you"

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why hadn't I realized this? Because I was too self-absorbed, that's why.

  He stopped talking, his cheeks slightly rosy. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up"

  "No. It's okay."

  He grinned, until the opening of the door drew our attention. "Pizza delivery for Josh Benson."

  "That would be me" He pulled money from his pocket and paid the delivery boy, while inhaling the aroma emanating from the box as he cradled it in his hands. "Thanks," he said over his shoulder. "You hungry?"

  "Not quite yet. I just finished breakfast a short while ago, but please feel free to eat" I followed him and watched as he placed the box on the card table my parents had left behind and grabbed a few napkins and paper plates from the corner of the table. Josh pulled the folding chair out for me.

  "After you, madam"

  "Thank you," I said, edging the chair forward under the table.

  "Allie hates to have her chair pulled out" I resented that he'd referred to her but was amused by his complaint.

  "How do you know she hates it?"

  "Because she gets all fussy and reminds me she can take care of herself every time. I guess it's because she's young and hasn't experienced anything like this before. For her, trying to fit into city life in New York is like being in a foreign country."

  "I imagine it is, but I think she'll get used to it." I drank from my soda straw to avoid saying something I might regret.

  Josh paused just as he was about to bite into his slice. "You know"-he smiled-"I've been hoping all morning that you'd stop by."

  "You were?"

  "Yeah, Cass, I was. You seem surprised."

  "Well, I guess I am ... a little."

  "You don't know how I feel about you?"

  I wanted him to continue, but I held my hand up. If he was committed to Allie, I didn't want him to feel regret later because he'd gotten caught up in the moment.

  "There you go again," he said, frustration pouring out in his words. "Please, can we just be honest with each other?"

  "Okay, sure, but. .

  "But what?"

  "I don't want regrets"

  "Whose? Yours or mine?"


  "I don't have any regrets ... well, except that I didn't push hard enough to show you how much I cared about you in the beginning. We could have been past all the stupid games we've played right from the beginning. It's like, can you top this? I don't want to do that anymore. I want us to be as honest and open as we can be, even if it isn't something you think the other person wants to hear. That's the only way a relationship can survive."

  I swallowed hard. I really wanted to believe him. "Okay, let's talk."

  "I'd really like to be a part of your life, and not just as a friend. I'm ready to settle down. I've dated a lot of women in my time, and not one has ever made me feel the way you do. You bring out the best in me"

  "I do?"

  "Yes, you make me want to be the best I can be in whatever I attempt to do. But the only way this can happen is if you give this a chance. I can't handle the constant back-and-forth. You're either in this, or you're not."

  "I'm ready, but there's one minor matter you're forgetting about."


  "Yes, Allie."

  "I'll take care of that tomorrow." He stepped back and watched me for a moment. "Are you serious about giving us a try?"

  I took a deep breath. "I am serious, and I know my parents would like nothing more than to have you stick around."

  He walked toward me. "Cassie ... I can't tell you what this means to me" He pulled me into his arms and held me tight, kissing my cheeks, my neck, and finally settling on my lips. My insides jangled with excitement, and the warmth of his body gave me a safe, contented feeling telling me this was right. Had I finally jumped over the hurdle? Was this really what I wanted? Oh, God ... yes.


  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  Wash the chicken parts. And while you're at it, wash that little Southern belle right out of your hair. You've had your head in the sand on this one, pal. What, you didn't see this coming? How many times do you need to be told that being dense is not an attribute? Don't mess this up now, because trust me, it won't take much for Cassie to rebuild that barricade around her heart and send those dreams of yours right down the inferno so fast your head will spin. Yep, she'll be on foot, but she'll be making that getaway quicker than a runaway bride on a horse. And if you don't believe it, just ask your predecessors. Those poor suckers are still scratching their heads wondering what went wrong.

  Now blot the chicken dry with paper towels, and place a single layer of chicken pieces, skin side up, in a rectangular baking dish that's been coated with cooking spray. Add the onion, and celebrate the occasionby dancing in the street. As a matter of fact, you can darn well dance anywhere you'd like, 'cause you're the man!

  Chiseling away at that wall couldn't have been easy, so give yourself a pat on the back. I don't think Pablo Picasso could have performed this task any better. And look what you've sculpted-a love that could last a lifetime. Not to mention you've just made the in-laws-in-waiting the happiest parents on the planet. And don't worry about the non-Italian thing, 'cause Mama's sure to give you a free pass on this one sooner than you can say "Will you marry me?"

  Now melt the butter and syrup in a microwave-safe cup and pour evenly over top. Sprinkle the chopped rosemary over top, add the salt and pepper, and bake in the oven for 1 hour. Makes 6-8 servings.

  All the way home I relived that special moment between us-a closeness I hadn't felt before with anyone else. Was it just because I couldn't have what I wanted now? Or was this a genuine feeling?

  The fact that Josh was involved with Allie made me cringe. Even though I knew I was the right woman for him, I could not see myself as one of those women wh
o breaks up couples to get what she wants. If he was serious about our relationship, this was one decision he had to make on his own. My heart raced as I thought about his words. His arms wrapped around me felt so good, yet I knew I needed to caution myself that it might not mean anything. Maybe we were only meant to be friends. Right, tell that to my heart.

  I scurried up the steps to the apartment. Whatever Jamie was cooking, the aroma filled the apartment when I opened the door.

  "Mmm, what are you making?" I raised my nose in the air to take in a whiff of the aroma. The slice of pizza Josh had insisted I eat had long since worn off, and I was more than ready to eat.

  "Seafood crepes. Are you hungry?"

  "I am" I watched Jamie move around the kitchen. "Want some help?"

  "Nope, I'm good" Jamie sighed and tucked a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes back behind her ear. Over the last few weeks, she seemed to have adjusted nicely and was looking more relaxed. She knew it was time to move on, and that's just what she was doing. "So, today was my last day at the restaurant," she said.

  "Oh, wow, I thought you weren't going to stop working until I opened the shop"

  "Well, I thought it would be good for me to take some time off before you do. I need to get away for a few days. I thought I'd visit my brother in California, and by the time I get back, Josh will have the shelving done, so I can help stock the shelves. What do you think?"

  "I think that's a great idea." I didn't want to tell her the shelving was ready. "Take the time to have some fun. How long do you think you'll be gone?"

  "Just a week. Is that okay with you?"


  "I have something else I want to tell you." She smirked.

  "Okay, shoot."

  "I don't like Allie," Jamie said, "and I trust her even less. I think she's just a little too friendly with Josh"

  "Well, they're dating now."

  "Are you kidding me!" she screeched. "I knew she was going to hook that guy one way or the other. Darn it."

  "Right," I said. "I'm not happy about it either, but . . ." I shrugged. "I just hope they don't get married." Jamie lowered her head. I could see tears gathering at the corner of her eyes. "Oh, Jamie." I jumped up. "I'm so sorry-I'm such a chump."

  "It's okay." She swiped at her eyes.

  "No, it's not. I was really insensitive."

  "Look, I can't shut myself off from the world. Nothing is going to change what happened between Ryan and me. I'll be fine. Really. In my eyes, Miss Butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth is like every other woman who steals a man away, and I'm furious at the world."

  "It's okay, Jamie." I patted her shoulder. "Things have a way of working themselves out" It was amazing to me that I could talk such a good game around Jamie and Allie, yet after meeting with Josh today, I was setting my hopes high that this would all be over soon. "It's going to be okay," I said. Who was I kidding?

  I walked to the table and sat down on a chair, resting my elbows on the tabletop. "The truth is, without realizing it, I pushed those two into each other's arms." I raised my eyebrows.

  "It's hard," she said, while plating the dishes.

  "It is. I've been addicted to making excuses and blaming my mother for pushing me as the reason I've never settled down. This afternoon, I realized it was because no one ever rocked my world like he has. The fact that we haven't known each other that long is a moot issue in my mind. I just don't care. He's the one. Is that the craziest thing you've ever heard?" I closed my eyes"

  Jamie laughed. "Wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone isn't so crazy, but I sure can understand why you're in shock. After our last conversation on this subject, I had you pegged for life in the convent. So what are you going to do about it?"

  "Nothing. If he's meant to be with Allie, there's nothing more I can say. I pray it doesn't work out for them. Is that selfish of me?"

  "No. 1 -totally understand"

  "And if they do break up, I hope he comes to me. I really want him to come to this conclusion on his own."

  "Listen ... here's what I think," Jamie said, sitting down and pulling her chair forward. "I can't imagine you don't know your own mind at this stage of your life. I don't think you should wait for him to come to you. I think you need to go to him."

  "But what if he rejects me?"

  "You mean like you've rejected him? And how many times did you do that?"

  "Yeah, okay, you made your point. But I don't handle rejection well."

  "And you think he does?"

  "Okay, Jamie, I get it."

  "As for him rejecting you, I don't think he will this time. He's had plenty of time to get to know you and to see who you are. He also loves your parents and vice versa, so I think it's just a matter of whether he and Allie make it."

  I sliced my crepe and lifted a piece to my mouth. "This is terrible."

  Jamie swallowed hard, her eyes as big as saucers. "You don't like them?"

  I laughed and covered my mouth so I wouldn't spit my food out. "I'm just kidding. They're incredible."

  "You scared the heck out of me"

  "That's for being so honest"

  "Was that bad?"

  "No"-I laughed again-"this is exactly how Megan and I treat each other, and I'm thrilled you and I can have that same kind of relationship. Thank you" I took another delicious bite. "We need to teach this recipe in one of our workshops."

  "That, my dear, is exactly why I made this tonight. I'm so glad you like it." Jamie raised her glass, and we clinked to a toast. "Here's to lots of new recipes and an overabundance of students champing at the bit to learn ... and you coming to your senses"

  "Hear, hear."



  You're allowing yourself to dream again. Is that wise? Of course it is. So, if it doesn't work out with him, well, you've at least jumped that hurdle. You're not afraid of having a relationship and a career. It would be nice to dream about him again-that is, if Allie weren't in the picture. But play it smart. Do not report your revelation to Mama-the reception hall isn't far from where she lives.

  To make the crepe batter, place the flour, eggs, butter, salt, and milk into a bowl. Using a wire whisk, blend the mixture until smooth. If the batter appears to be too thick, thin it with more milk. You want the finished product to be thin, but not the relationship.

  Heat a nonstick, 12-inch skillet until hot. When a drop of water sizzles, the pan is hot enough. Pour in enough batter to cover the bottom of the skillet. Remove the skillet from the burner and swirl the batter around to cover the bottom. If there's excess batter, pour it back into the bowl. Do the same thing with the excess baggage you're carrying around. Return the pan to the burner. Cook until lightly browned. Using a heat-resistant spatula, loosen the crepe carefully and flip over to brown the other side, approximately 30 seconds. Stack the finished crepes between sheets of parchment paper, and cover with aluminum foil. Place in the oven, using the lowest temperature your oven will allow. Makes 6-8 crepes.

  For the filling, melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan on medium-high heat; add shallots, mushrooms, and rosemary and saute until shallot is translucent. Add shrimp and cook until pink. Adjust the heat to low and add crabmeat. In a measuring cup, measure out the sour cream and sherry and whisk to blend. Pour the contents into the seafood mixture; stir to combine.

  Remove the crepes from the oven. Turn up the heat to preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place a crepe on a cutting board and spoon 1/4 cup of filling down the center, making sure to cover the length of the crepe. Fold one side over the mixture, and then roll the other side over the top, making sure to tuck the end underneath. Place in a greased baking dish, seam side down, cover with Swiss cheese, and bake for 15-20 minutes or until cheese is melted. Makes 6-8 servings.

  I bustled down the stairs to catch the train, trying to edge my way through before the doors closed. The train was crowded as usual, but I didn't care. I had my thoughts to
keep me occupied. I'd just made it to a pole to hang on to before the train took off like a shot. The song "Hooked on a Feeling" played through my mind. I wasn't about to let anything dampen my good mood.

  I hummed as I walked in through the back door of the kitchen. The aroma of chocolate baking in the oven had me sniffing in the sweet smell and wishing I had a piece. Charlie walked out from his office. "Here she is. Are you excited about this being your last day?"

  "I'm excited about embarking on my own business and feeling more confident as a result of the training you guys gave me"

  He handed me a container of coffee. "Here," he said, stretching his arm out, "I bought this as your parting gift."

  "Gee, thanks"

  "Yeah, so now you can't say I never gave you anything." He grinned. "Okay, we have a group coming in this morning that wants us to cater a wedding. I'd like you to conduct the interview."

  "Me? Am I ready for that?"

  "You're planning to cater for your own customers, aren't you?"

  "Yeah, but I don't want to mess this up"

  "Not to worry. I'll be sitting right next to you. And I have a sheet with a list of items you'll need to cover. Remember, these customers are coming to us because we're pros at this, but they aren't always as forthcoming as they should be with their desires, so listen carefully to their responses and ask a million questions. One itsy-bitsy slip-up and they'll be complaining when the event takes place."

  "Okay. What time are they coming in?"

  "Ten o'clock. In the meantime, you can begin prepping the vegetables for today."

  "I can do that" I headed to the vegetable station.

  "Boy, you really have a lot of giddy-up in your get-along today, kiddo," Charlie teased. "Are you that anxious to get away from us?"