Dishing Up Romance Page 14
"Okay." She slipped down off the stool and gathered her things for work. "I'd better get going. What time do you go to the shop after work?"
"Actually, I've been coming home to the apartment first usually around five o'clock on Tuesday and Wednesday, later on Friday and Saturday nights-but I don't go to the shop until after Josh is gone"
"Is that because it's hard to see them together?"
"I guess"
"Your mom and dad really like him, don't they?"
"It seems that way, doesn't it?"
"Want to talk about it?" she said, putting her bag down on the chair as if getting ready to sit and listen.
"No. That's a story for another time, but thanks for asking."
"Uh-huh. I guess I'll see you later." She headed for the door and stopped. "I can cook tonight if you want"
"No. No one is cooking for a while. I can pick up something for dinner on the way home, or we can go out. Whichever you prefer."
"I really don't have the money to go out for dinner. I gave Ryan my last paycheck to apply toward our honeymoon. Little did I know I was paying for his getaway with the new woman."
"I can't believe that guy." I closed my eyes, shocked by Ryan's behavior. "I don't even know him, but every time you tell me something, I find myself wishing he was standing in front of me so I could smack the daylights right out of him. All I can say is he's a loser and he will have his day ... you can count on it. Don't worry about the money thing until you get paid. I've got us covered"
"I could ask my boss for an advance."
"No, don't do that. He doesn't need to know your business, unless you want to tell him. It's okay."
"He already knows. Ryan is his son." My hand covered the gasp escaping from my mouth. "Today is going to be an awkward day," she said, "but I'll get through it somehow. Maybe he won't come into work. I really hope he doesn't." She waved and shut the door behind her.
I filled my coffee mug and sipped, saying a silent prayer for both of us and hoping neither would ever be faced with anything remotely close to this again. I checked the time and headed for the shower.
"How's the remodeling coming along?" Charlie asked as he diced vegetables for the weekly soup.
"Really good. Most of the appliances have been delivered, and Josh has started framing for the cabinets. Exciting stuff."
"You're awfully happy this morning. Anything I should know about?" His voice lowered. "How's the Josh thing going?"
"It's not"
"You're kidding, right?" He swiped his cheek with his shoulder.
"No. I'm not. He's busy working away, and that's all I can ask."
"But you're crazy about him. What happened?"
"You know me"
I watched everyone rushing around prepping for the day. The new dishwasher, Domingo, was wiping out the second huge oven. I glanced at him, and he grinned. "My name is Cassie. Nice to meet you, Domingo." He nodded and continued cleaning.
"So, this is your last week," Charlie said to me. "Where do you want to work today?"
"With the guys in the fish station. I'd like to have them show me their technique for skinning and deboning."
"Okay, knock your socks off." I watched as Charlie sashayed to the oven and pulled out a huge roasting pan with bones that were nicely browned. He carefully dropped them into the large stockpot filled with water on the stove. "Hey, before you go over there"-he pointed-"would you coat the vegetables and toss them back in the oven?"
"Sure" I mixed the onions, carrots, and celery with tomato paste and slid the pan back inside the oven so they would caramelize. Once done, they'd be added to the stock for the last hour of cooking time, along with the juices de glazed from the bottom of the pan. "Need me to do anything else?"
"Nope, you're good. Thanks"
I removed the side muscle from the scallops and the shells from the shrimp, in preparation for a creamy shrimp salad platter. As I worked, my mind focused on Jamie, promising myself I would text her when I had a free minute, but my thoughts switched to Josh. Last night, thankfully, we'd settled our differences, and life was good. Aside from the fact that he was involved with Allie. After his response to Dad, I admitted I had been the one who'd walked away from something that could have been. But why couldn't it still be? Because I'd already told Allie I wasn't interested in Josh, and now he was with her. It was too late for regrets now. Besides, he'd tell me it was too late anyway. As Barry had. Why would I ever want to go through something like that again? Still, would it hurt if I surveyed the situation, just to see? My thoughts were interrupted when Gary, the lead cook at the station, called me over to help fillet a large salmon.
* If sun-dried-tomato bagels are not available, use a plain bagel and add 1/4 cup chopped, sun-dried tomatoes.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Break the bagels into bite-size pieces and place in the food processor to crumble, using the pulse setting. Add the lemon zest, parmesan, thyme, and garlic, and pulse to blend. Pour the melted butter over top of the mixture and pulse enough to incorporate it. Maybe one day you'll get the chance to tell him you were a fool-maybe not. However, serving him this recipe may rope him in the right direction. You know what they say about love and war and all that stuff, right?
Grease a rectangular baking dish. Line the bottom with the salmon fillets. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour the seasoned bread crumbs over the top of the fish, distributing evenly until fish is completed covered. Bake for approximately 20 minutes, until top is golden. Test by inserting a fork into the fish and twisting it slightly to see if it's opaque. Do not overcook. Makes 4-6 servings.
Jamie was waiting for me at the Port Authority Terminal for the ride to Nutley. She'd said yes to eating dinner out and then heading to the shop, which made me think she was feeling better, but seeing the blank look on her face now, I wasn't so sure.
"Are you okay?" She gave me a nod and a weak smile. "Are you sure you want to do this tonight?"
"Yeah. If I go back to the apartment, I'm only going to sulk, so I might as well force myself to do things."
"How was work?" I asked.
"Awkward. My boss couldn't apologize enough. Ryan's mother also came in, and we all had a long talk about the situation and cried together. His father knew I'd been handing my paycheck over to Ryan for our honeymoon, so he wrote me a check to repay me"
"They sound like nice people. It's a shame their son is such a jerk. You sure you don't want to go visit your family? It's got to be harder with them so far away. I know how I'd feel if my parents weren't around, despite my frequent complaints about their antics." I hugged her.
"No, I think I might feel worse going back to Detroit. They didn't like Ryan, so I'd only hear a chorus of negativity." She shrugged. "I'm pretty hungry. Want to eat here?"
"That's a good sign-the hungry part"
"Yeah, I guess it is."
"Sure. I don't care," I said. "Anything is fine." I pointed. "Have you ever eaten at the small hole-in-the-wall pub down at the end of this hallway? They have great hamburgers."
"Anything would taste good right about now. I only had a cup of soup this afternoon"
We walked in the direction of the pub. "When things get a little calmer for you, I'll show you all the places Megan and I used to hang out. Maybe we'll even meet her here before her belly gets too big. You're going to love her. She's so easygoing, and as cute as can be. I call her my Irish Rose. She has so many freckles on her face, you could play connect the dots." I laughed. "As you can tell, I tease her a lot, but she's a good sport" I chuckled. "And also no shrinking violet she gives it right back"
"She sounds like my kind of person," Jamie said.
During dinner, Jamie and I mostly talked about growing up, former jobs, and things we'd learned along the way. She even expressed excitement about being able to teach others to cook and thanked me a million times for, as she called it, rescuing her. I didn't see it that way, but
I didn't argue.
On our ride to Nutley, we sat silent, both deep in thought. My mind was focused on the butterflies in my stomach, knowing I'd be seeing Josh and Allie together.
Mom turned when we entered. She cornered Jamie, and I meandered toward the work area. Allie's face lit up when she saw me. The room smelled like a mixture of new wood and Dad's stogie, as he and one of his old cronies from the neighborhood sat puffing away. Josh looked up and acknowledged my presence, but Allie sallied toward me like she was happy to see an old friend. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement.
"So good to see you, ma'am." She surprised me when she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug and whispered in my ear. "Can I talk to you?"
We pulled apart. "Sure," I answered rather aloofly. I could tell by her expression that something was bothering her. "What can I do for you?" I braced myself against the wall.
"I didn't sleep a wink last night, ma'am, worrying about you and me. Did I misinterpret what you said the other night about you not wanting a relationship with Josh?"
"Well, no. But quite honestly, I'm surprised you moved so quickly. Especially since you were advising me time was wasting, and I was being stupid and crazy dumb"
"What do you mean? It wasn't like I swooped in and cut you off. You said it was out of the question, didn't you?" She seemed confused. "Are you in love with him?" she whispered.
"Why are you asking me this? What difference does it make now?" My pulse was pumping so fast, it was like shooting rockets into outer space.
"'Cause I want to know. If not, I'm gonna shoot for the stars with the boy. I don't have much experience in the love department, but something about this feels good"
"Then I'm not sure why you need to share this with me. Do your thing" I felt flushed and irritated by her boldness.
"Oh, Cass," she said, shaking her head, "I musta read this all wrong" She shut her eyes and shook her head from side to side. "Ya know, sometimes I just don't know when to shut up" She made a face. "I'm really sorry"
Mom was watching us from a distance, with an odd expression on her face, probably wondering why Allie had pulled me aside.
"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I know it's your day off."
"I'm busy tomorrow," I said and started to walk away. She grabbed my arm.
"Please don't. I really need to talk to you" She tilted her head. "Please" Firing her flashed through my mind again; but in fairness, none of this was her fault. I hadn't been totally honest with her, and she did what any woman would do-she ran with it.
"Okay," I said reluctantly. "Meet me at the Original Sandwich Shoppe on Fourteenth Street and Greenwich Avenue at eleven o'clock, and we'll talk"
"Thank you"
Mom and Jamie approached. "Allie, I'd like you to meet Jamie," I said. "She's going to be teaching cooking classes with me, and clerking, whichever comes first"
"Howdy, Jamie." She turned to me. "How soon do you reckon we're gonna start working?"
"As soon as Josh is done with the shelving, I'm going to want the both of you to begin stocking the shelves with the gadgets. I'll see if I can get a more definitive date"
Josh was sweeping the sawdust off the floor with the push broom when I approached.
"This is starting to look like the blueprint," I said, pasting a big-girl smile on my face to hide my disappointment. "You've really been hustling."
He brushed sawdust off his arms and pants. "Thanks. I know how anxious you are to get started."
"Speaking of which, I was wondering how soon to add Jamie and Allie to the payroll. Any idea about when you'll be done with the shelving so I can put them to work?"
"I finished your shelving a little while ago. The only thing I have left to do is connect the cubicles. Uh, I figure they'll be ready by the weekend. Hey, did your mom tell you the cabinets are being delivered tomorrow?"
"No. We really haven't had a chance to talk. This looks amazing."
"By the way," he said, "I've been meaning to tell you how much I enjoy your family. They make me feel like I'm a member."
"Oh, yeah, Mom's real good in that department."
He had no idea he'd been labeled son-in-law material as soon as Charlie had endorsed him. Yep, that was all Lucy Pirelli needed to start things moving. Couple that with the fact that she had a pretty good idea I was interested, and it was full speed ahead.
"I'm getting very anxious to see this all pulled together," I said, changing the subject.
"Me too" He removed his tool belt and laid it on the counter, concern all over his face. "Hey, will you have some time within the next week so we can talk?"
"Sure. What's on your mind?"
"I'd rather wait until we can talk privately."
"Okay. I'll call and let you know when I'm free."
"Do you have all your workshops planned yet?" He changed the subject.
"Jamie and I are still working on our prospectus. Why?"
"Because I'm going to take them all. I'm champing at the bit to get started and learn to make a complete meal." He laughed. "My single electric burner doesn't work very well, know what I mean?" He shook his head. "I went over to my sister's the other night to use her kitchen, but she has three kids running around, and I can't make what I want because they won't eat it. And I'm not experienced enough to make two different meals."
"I'm happy to hear you're so interested. I know we've discussed this before, but I wasn't sure" My first inclination was to invite him over to my apartment and let him use my kitchen, but given the current circumstances, I nixed the idea.
"Absolutely. You and your mom make it look so easy, I'm convinced it's the right career for me. Carpentry is wonderful when you can find work. You know, your mother said I could use her kitchen any time I wanted, but I feel like I'm putting them out"
"She wouldn't have offered if she didn't want you to come over."
"Yeah, you think so? Would you come one night when I make something special so you can give me your expert opinion?"
I pictured the two of us working side by side, cooking up a special dish. I must have had a strange expression on my face because Josh asked, "Are you okay?" An awkward moment passed between us. "Look, I know you're upset with me about this Allie thing, but-"
I cut him off. I didn't want to hear it. "No, of course not. It's all good" I nodded. "Sure, I'll come over to Mom's to taste your cooking."
"Could we maybe meet for a burger or something one night next week to discuss certain recipe ideas I have?"
"Would this also include the discussion you wanted to have in private?"
"Yeah. I should have said that. I guess I'm a little impatient, and I know I'm asking an awful lot, you being busy and all, but I really enjoy talking with you, and I've felt this connection with you since the first time we met. Know what I mean?"
I replayed his words and realized this was my golden opportunity to find out if I was really serious about having a relationship with him. The prospect excited me.
"I think that can be arranged"
Slice the hoagie buns lengthwise and don't be thinking negative thoughts about how you'd really like to slice Josh and Allie's relationship right down the middle. Brush each side of the bread with oil and vinegar. Resist the urge to drench the two of them in the oil-it's much better on the bread. Cover and set aside. Allow your anger to subside. No? It's not working? Well, control yourself, because it's not nice to act like a teenager when you're an adult.
Slice the red pepper in half and remove the seeds. Place the pepper cut side down and scorch the outside skin by placing it directly under the broiler. Don't even get me started! Inhale, exhale-do it again and promise to be good. Take the high road by viewing each side with complete objectivity instead of allowing the green-eyed monster to crush your thoughts. The fact that he wants to talk to you in private is a real good thing. And get a load of his "connection' 'comment. That's hot stuff, girlfriend.
When the pepper is compl
etely scorched, turn off the oven and allow the pepper to continue to cook slightly as the heat cools-no longer than 15 minutes. Remove from the oven, peel off the skin, and slice the pepper into 1-inch strips. Place in a bowl and add minced garlic, salt, and olive oil. Toss with a fork, making sure to spread the oil evenly over the slices.
Slice the raw zucchini into long strips. Place on the oven's grill gridthat's the steel tray with holes that is made specifically for grilling vegetables. Brush each side of the strips with oil, and grill until the edges turn brown. Scorching the pepper is okay, but not the zucchini. And, quite honestly, the previous scorching should have relieved enough of your anger to calm you down-slightly. So be thinking positively about your meeting with him. It's a good opportunity to find out what your heart really wants.
Assemble the sandwiches by placing equal amounts of red pepper, zucchini, tomato, and mozzarella on each bun. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and any remaining oil and vinegar.
On my way out of the apartment, Allie sent me a text message. She had changed her mind about meeting with me. She said she knew what she was going to do. So I changed course and decided to go to the shop instead. It was early, and I was sure Allie wouldn't be there yet, and if she was, too bad.
When I entered the shop, music was booming from the radio. Josh, busy driving screws into the overhead cabinets, was unaware I had entered. I stood and admired my choice of cabinets. I was excited about everything falling into placeexcept maybe a second chance with Josh. I shouted above the noise, to no avail. Then I walked over to the radio and pulled the plug from the socket. When Josh turned to see what had happened, I was standing there with the cord in my hand.
"Oh, sorry, Cassie. I'm here by myself." He gave me an apologetic smile. "Actually, I didn't even realize the music was that loud until it stopped"
"You're going to need a hearing aid before you reach thirty if you keep the volume that high" I walked up to a cabinet and ran my hand over the smooth door. "These are so beautiful. I can't believe how quickly this is all coming together."